A brief of history
The lyre (from the Latin “lyra”, and this from the Greek “λύρα”) is a primitive stringed instrument, shaped like an abacus, whose origin the Greeks attributed to Hermes or to the muse Polymnia. It was the musical instrument played by Orpheus and the one that accompanies Apollo as a symbol of the citizen state, culture and music.
The lyre is a musical instrument that, like the harp, was played with both hands.
In the hands of David, the poet and wise king, the lyre evokes the union with divinity and religion. King David played the lyre to reassure Saul.
The instruments descended from the lyre are the zither, the guitar and the lute, which continue the tradition of the lyre to this day as the instruments of the poet and the troubadour.
Dyehuty is the god of wisdom, writing, music and the Moon, in Egyptian mythology, was related to music as the inventor of the lyre.
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