High Quality Acoustic guitar – Hummingbird Gibson type – by Luthier
Construction details
Totally handcrafted construction. Double action tensioner, driven by the case. By not intervening the plate in the headstock, the aesthetics of the wood are preserved and resistance to the neck, which joins with the handle, being the most sensitive area of the instrument is avoided. The headboards on the fretboard not only achieve a greater aesthetic enhancement but also allow a softer and more subtle sliding to the touch. Luster is recommended in natural lacquer rubber, which is cooked with copal, sandaraca and elemí resins, highlights the sweetness and sound gloss that are lost with synthetic finishes (nitrocellulosic or polyurethane). With the structure of the cross-shaped harmonic cap, the mass of the bar is compensated in such a way that it is greater in the treble and lighter towards the bass, which allows to improve the performance of the lid eliminating unnecessary mass, gaining flexibility and response, according to the severe and acute areas of vibration. The continuous button with the bottom (uncut) allows greater stability of the handle in response to the tension of the strings and provides a better sustain of the vibrations. Model “The Pear”, type Dreadnought.
- WEIGHT: 2.2 Kg
- HIGH: 108 cm
- WIDTH: 40.5 cm
- DEPTH: 11.4 – 9.8 cm
- Handle dimensions: 21 – 18mm (thickness) 55 – 45 (width)
- Rope shot: 650 mm
- String height: 2.5 to 2mm fret 12
- STOCK: NO – On request only
- CONSTRUCTION TIME: 2 to 3 months
- FINISHING : Indian natural lacquer rubber (recommended)
- TUNING: E – B – G – D – A – E
- STOCK: No.
The word acoustic is a linguistic loan of English (acoustic guitar) although there was already an earlier term of its own: Saxon Guitar. The problem part of concept, we understand as acoustic guitar those inspired by the USA model of Martin, a German émigré. Actually the only objective difference between an acoustics and a classic (Spanish) are the metal strings of one and the nylon strings (before gut) or carbon of the other. Therefore it is very difficult to pinpoint or attribute who was the first to put all the steel strings (formerly iron). Until the end of the 19th century there was only one 6-string guitar. The foundations of the construction had been laid by Master Torres gathering improvements from other guitar players (luthieres). They could have been Portuguese emigrants with their cavaquinho (ancestor of the ukulele) through Hawaii or Italian-Irish emigrants with their mandolins who influenced the change of gut ropes to metal ones. Some bibliographies cite August Larson’s patent in 1904 although there is evidence of use of guitars adapted for metal strings up to a decade or two earlier. You can’t talk about acoustic guitar (Saxon) without naming Christian Frederick Martin German guitar player who emigrated to the United States because of problems with the guilds in his native country. With time and dedication up to 6 generations of Martin’s descendants have managed to maintain the same model almost unchanged. Originally he expanded the case and made it more square, changed the mast to a narrower one and the main difference, added all the metal strings to increase resonance and volume. He didn’t really invent anything but, like Torres, put together a series of ‘improvements’ already applied by others.
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